After the success of last year's thread, I've decided to start another thread for spring 2015 pics. I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone's trees and leaves in their springtime glory! Happy gardening to all! Kevin in KC
Off to a nice start, hopefully Mother Nature doesn't throw a cold curve-ball at us too late in the game...
What little winter there was is long gone in my area. Jordan, Orange Dream, Mikawa Yatsubusa, Crimson Queen.
Thanks for getting us started, Andrea! I'm really anxious to see those new Radiant leaves! I just received this Junihitoe 2 weeks ago from Portland and buds were just starting to open. Two weeks later it's looking great! Last week I received this lovely Aureum specimen from Ohio. Hoping that it will look this good next spring.... but I won't be holding my breath! <g> Kevin in KC
We had a brutal winter here, with freezes predicted later this week. Thankfully the JMs are pushing later than normal.
Lovely photos guys...s'funny to think you were still in the depths of winter just a short while ago whilst we were seeing things coming to life...then suddenly BANG! you've overtaken us. WOW! everone's coming out of the woodwork...just like to say welcome back K4 and Poetry...hope you've been keeping well :)
Hi, Now that I've had several species and cultivars, I can see which ones leaf out early ior late. 1/ The first ones to leaf out are Acer ginnala (i have a couple of potted ones from seedlings to be trained as bonsai, and another three grown from seeds, the latter being probably Acer ginnala 'Flame'); 2/ Acer elegantulum comes second in row; 3/ Acer p. 'Little Princess' ('Mapi no Machi Hime'); 4/ Acer buergerianum, Acer p. 'Katsura' and 'Orange Dream' (Acer b. develops its leaves slower); 5/ Other Acer p. are still mostly dormant, like 'Sango Kak' or the plain species One of the last ones to bud out is Acer monspessulanum, but I have specimens grown from seeds taken in the south-west (near Brive-la-Gaillarde for those who know) that leaf out at least a week before those from Ardèche (a mountainous area in the south-east). They show no diofference at all, but they seem to have kept in their genes the climate-clock their ancestors are from.
You are ahead of us down there Alain. That warm Loire sunshine in the Garden of France! :) My first out has always been A. mandshuricum, then A. pensylvanicum and A. oliverianum ssp formosanum. They are joined this year by elegantum, which can't wait to get growing again apparently. Not as far out as yours is, though. This is always a nervous time of year in Normandie as we are still likely to see some frost as well as hail, but pseudomonas are rife in the wet also, until the plants leaf out and start growing, then they're safe from that anyway.
Alain, that Little Princess of yours is beautiful - a natural bonsai, right there :) Maybe a little bit of branch thinning in the interior and shortening that one long branch on the left a tad, but otherwise, I wouldn't change a thing!
Happy Easter! Frohe Ostern! Joyeuses Pâques! Felices pascuas! Finally got outside yesterday to snap some pics. Everything seems to be pushing a bit earlier than normal this year :-) The new Takinogawa from Oregon (hence further along): Koto No Ito Maiko jaku (Aconitifolium) Green Cascade Shin chishio (Chioshio Improved) Ed Woods #2 Tsuma gaki Aureum Lima Gold Kevin in KC
For those that have Ryusen, how fast does yours leaf out? Mine goes from buds about to burst to completely, 100% fully leafed out in less than a week, with new growth pushing at the tips. Granted, it's not terribly big (3g, about 4' tall in the pot), but it's decently branched, and many of my other trees are similar in size/branching, and no other moves this quickly. Just curious... More pretty pretty, the only one yet to leaf out is Murakumo; hopefully it will get on the band wagon before too long. :)
The first flowers: 'Orange Dream' and 'Osakazuki' ...and the nice colours of the morning, just before going to work: 'Katsura' and 'Phoenix'
Looking at like cultivars I'd say we're neck&neck Alain,though our mini'heatwave'ended today.I agree,with the flowers Orange Deam is looking insanely bright now,I'm surprised how many of us(myself included) are growing this in shade and missing out on the 'Orange Dream'ha....but it does brighten up a dark spot wonderfully. The others... Shin D and Herbstfeuer,a plain little plant,nothing flash or colouful...but like Kihachijo a favourite of mine though I have trouble explaining why. Ha ha Patdero,my Mikawa is about 6"high at 3years old..hoping it will grow at last this year.
Now I'm way behind everyone! Funny that. Although the "mini heat wave" has a few things out. there are no palmatums out yet, enough to show real spring colours anyway. I'll try and take a couple of snaps later today or tomorrow... Patdero, that yatsuba is gorgeous. I'll have to put that one on my want list, for sure.
I haven't seen any pictures from Idaho, so thought I would add some. Our weather has been really unusual--up almost to 80 then back down to frost, so some of the poor little maples in my yard have gotten their new leaves nipped. Here are some that are looking hopeful anyway. They are: Aureum, Autumn Moon, Mikazuki (nipped by frost) Summer Gold and Twombley's Red Sentinel.
Here are some pics from today. It's a fun time of year because things are changing so quickly! In order of pictures (hopefully): - A. elegantum - A. rubescens - A. campbelli ssp flabellatum var yunnanense - A. laevigatum (not evergreen here) - A. coriaceifolium (A. cinnamomifolium), wintered in the house - A. madnshuricum - A. x conspicuum 'Silver Cardinal' - A. oliverianum ssp formosanum - A. pensylvaticum - A. davidii 'Karmen' - A. discolor - A. negundo 'Auratum' - A. catalpifolium - A. negundo 'Kelly's Gold' - A. palmatum (selection from Ed Shinn's seed) - A. tartaricum ssp ginalla, flowering branch - A. negundo 'Tadeusz Szymanaowski' - A. negundo 'Sensation' - A. campestre 'Carnival' - A. oliverianum 'Nakahara beni' - A. oliverianum ssp oliverianum
Every year, our club shows a few of our bonsai at a sort of plant fair that takes place in a wonderful park. Here are some photos of Acers taken yesterday morning (some membres having a greenhouse, most of the trees were in full leaves):