Gwen’s Rose Delight or Shirazz - still 95% pink minimal variegation despite being in quite a sunny spot..odd..last year it was more shaded and I thought that was it… Do not underestimate the space an Emerald Monster (Lace) needs not far off 3m x 2.5m in a relatively short period of time say 13 yrs I’ve repotted it several times but never fertilised it from memory
Absolutely love the colours and tree sizes you made up there, they are so complimenting to one another.
Thanks’s total disarray in reality..there’s an Aureum hiding behind the Shirazz enjoying the shade! I just move them about till they look happy..then shunt them all over one end after Fall
Pixie with a Sangu Kaku. Rose on the left is a Lady of Shallot I planted 3 years ago when we first moved into the house. No idea what the yellow one to the right is, it was here when we arrived but I moved it to it's current position - wish I knew what it was called! The yellow Spirea in front of the rose keeps getting powdery mildew and doesn't flower very well unfortunately. That was also here when we arrived but I think I'm going to replace it. Have been trying to decide what to put in its place. I'm leaning towards a Daphne aureomarginata. Should contrast with the pixie and the 'black and white' Weigela on the left t our of shot.
The colours here down South are speeding towards Summer now. The vibrancy is moving to mellow. Beni ubi gohon...........................................First Ghost..................................Higasa yama Autumn Moon............................................Ukon.............................................Shaina Grandma Ghost.........................................Japanese Sunrise.........................Emerald Lace
Out of this world..MUCH envy!!!! Your Shigure bato looks very plump and long have you had that? Do you find it a very slow grower? I got one from Pat about 4years ago and it’s still tiny..healthy but tiny!!
Quick question about Emerald Lace - How much sun can it take? I bought one that was massively reduced (£20 from £70) from a garden centre during the winter as it had loads of die back. Had no real plan for it except replacing some of the tired old nursery soil and larger pot, grow it for a while then sell it on. Since doing that it's absolutely flourished and is very healthy, so now I'm coming around to its charms. I'm generally not too interested in plain green maples unless they have some standout feature like variegation, unusual leaf shape, standout spring colours etc. Even dissected green maples don't grab my attention much now. Emerald Lace though has got a really nice almost yellow/orange 'sheen' to the top growth which I hadn't expected. Might have to find a place for it after all!
First of all the plain greens are the most spectacular for Autumn colours IMO. Emerald lace is one of these.... Secondly it takes full sun perfectly well. Mine gets full sun from morning to night and is flourishing. The new shoots are as you say yellow and orange which my wife thinks is very cute , lol. Glad you got one at a good price. A bit of love and care and it rewards you as you have found. So I would say ' keep it'. It will probably end up being quite the favourite in your collection.
Years ago I was similarly uninterested in dissected JM all together..since then I have grown very fond, to the extent that they are now very much in my top 10. EL is a great, reliable cultivar, albeit a monster in the making! Full sun all day, HOWEVER if it is a bit poorly I would not expose it to full sun right away…sort it out get it back to good form then slowly give it more exposure next year..for now morning sun only IMO. At some point during the summer maybe later on it will go dark red..subject to sun exposure.
I like dissectum generally - in fact thinking about it I think I'm not wholely taken by most cultivars which are only one colour the more I discover new varieties. For example I have a really nice Inabre Shidare which I've had for years in a big pot. But if I could find a decent sized one I would probably swap it out for a Hana Matoi now. I do have lots of green though, just to contrast with other things. And as Derek points out, often the autumn colours are amazing. The Emerald Lace is currently sat getting morning sun in a sheltered spot, but if it's happy in full sun once it's back to health, I'm sure I could find somewhere for it. Since we moved into the house I've gradually been completely replanting the garden and changing layout subtly. I think I've removed about 90% of the existing plants besides larger trees as it was so overgrown. Most of the areas I've fully replanted so far are the shade to part sun, specifically because it's where most of my maples have gone! I cleared a 40ft pyracantha hedge immediately because it was lethal with the kids, but still haven't got round to sorting it out yet. That bed is full sun all day. However I also need to ensure I save some planting space for my partner to actually get some flowers in there as well!
@ROEBUK OMG all them are so incredible thanks so much for sharing them and having them well labeled. I think I’m loving “Tess”.
That particular one i bought some five year s ago and planted straight out , only had minimal growth on the right hand side but has completely filled out to what you see now very quick growers i find. Like you i bought another from Pat as well some two years ago added a picture from this afternoon , will probably just slip this one on later for this and next year , then just see how this one grows over the years. Have you changed the growing medium when you purchased this ?? , or is it still it's original medium.