Yup, I had been checking their website for months before I got the stock notification. Most of them sold out within a few hours so I got lucky. I ordered an extra one of sister, grandma, uncle and amber ghost. Plan is to grow them on to have a go at grafting some myself to sell eventually.
Some of my "red" maples that are turning green now (they're in the shade). 'Atrolineare', 'Purple Ghost', and 'Jerre Schwartz' : Others are keeping the green (fortunately), or variegated colours that they should have : 'Koto-no-ito', 'Seiryu' : 'Como', 'Butterfly', and 'Hana matoi' : A.K.'s jungle from both sides. The Prunus is something like 6 metres tall :
Acer discolor, and the seedling from Shirasawanum 'Autumn moon' I called "shirpal" because the leaves look like a shirasawanum, but they're almost as small as a palmatum :
Reminds me somewhat of 'Sode no uchi' which, depending which book you read, is either a sieboldianum or a tenuifolium, even the bark colour is similar... I will post a pic when the leaves are fully open
A couple of shots with Alpine Sunrise on the left and Pixie on the right, highlights the contrast in appearance... Errm.. Amagi shigure and Shigitatsu sawa in the afternoon sun Shishigashira and Osakazuki
Will Jerre Schwartz stay red through the year with more sun? I picked up a pretty good size one at half price during the winter so this is my first year with it. It's leafed out wonderfully and I've got it sat in full sun at the moment so it's still bright red. I'll grab a picture of it. It's also sort of in quarantine because it was right next to the Kinshi which has totally fallen apart. The Jerre had a few blackened and shrivelled leaves on several branch tips, but it was right after a heavy frost when the new growth was still very tender.. I'm unsure if it's just frost damage or wilt - I've cut out the majority of the bad branches right back to good wood as soon as I saw it as a precaution
No it won't @Cattwooduk, its colours are dark green all Summer. But the Spring colours will last until middle/ end of May.
This is the one I picked up half price. You can see the blackening and crispy sort of leaves I had in various spots. Looks more like frost damage to me, and almost no other foliage has begun to 'melt' like the Kinshi did.. so I hold out hope it'll be fine.
Ukigumo - second attempt with this cultivar. I had one 3 years ago which was fine the first year, but leafed out and fell apart the following spring. Picked this one up during winter just gone so hadn't seen it in leaf. There isn't much white yet but looks healthy which is a start!
Acer griseum. LOVE my Paperbark maple! Tsuma Gaki About 100 standard green palmatum seedlings of various ages - grown to see what variations I get and try my hand with grafting later in the year if I get time. Probably turn a few into starter bonsai material as well. Anne Irene Emerald Lace Shigitatsu Sawa
Yes just some frost damage @Cattwooduk, take off those leaves and leave the pettioles. I do this and in a few weeks new second flush will see it looking fine again.
Good morning everyone, I don't know about anyone else in the UK, but that was a worrying night. Got down to 1°c here. Phew sooo close !! Lovely and sunny here now though. So a very early photo shoot for a predominantly red day today from me. Red dissectum.......................Sumi-nagashi Kandy Kitchen......................Bloodgood Manyo no sato..........................Black lace Skeeters broom......................Purple Ghost ( not doing very well this year)
orange dream in its spring glory. This is another cultivator that we initially started grafting after we purchased and had shipped back to BC from Dick Van der Matt ( Boskoop, Netherlands) back in the late 90's. Even in a mostly shady environment it still adds that warm colour to brighten things up a little. The full moon also is in a mostly shade garden just to add a little colour variation with the other plants.
@LoverOfMaples your collection is outstanding and I love how you label them all so well. However the 7th one you didn’t label and I really gotta know what it is????