Well it is finally well into spring here, after a very hot week that actually burned some young leaves, but also dried things out quite a bit. Time for some spring pictures! Here are a few although it's still early times. We are fully 4 weeks behind last year, and thank goodness! A. sinopurpurascens flowers A. cordatum, the heart shaped leaves A. negundo 'Kelly's Gold,' spring flowers A. pseudoplatanus 'Corstorphinense', the Haunted Maple A. pseudoplatanus 'Leat's Cottage' Acer 'Higasa Yama' A. pseudoplatanus selection Dogs think it's still winter. Acer 'Shin Chishio' and 'Nicholsonii' leafing out -E
Beautiful pictures! They give me hope as our Spring is very late due to cold weather. We went to visit our friend Elpedio yesterday and all his maples that were under plastic still look like it's winter with tiny winter like buds. Only sign of life was in the propagation house and his plants propagated last Summer.
I checked my posts and pics from last year and our extended winter has delayed spring here on Long Island significantly. By this time last year all of my JM's were leafing out, but now only two are: a Mikawa Yatsubusa and a Shishigashira. I bought a Twombley's Red Sentinel from a local nursery a few days ago which is leafed but I'm sure that had greenhouse climate assistance. It's finally springlike here so the rest should soon follow.
Most of mine have leafed out last week, but for most of them the colours are not as vivid as they were last year. Among them: Beni Hagoromo, one is not as red as the other one Gwen's Rose Delight (= Shirazz) Tsuma Gaki Koto-no-Ito Butterfly
A few more: - A. shirasawanum 'Autumn Moon' - A. p. 'Trompenburg' - A. p. 'Trompenburg', A. shirasawanum 'Autumn Moon', and Acer monspessulanum in the background - A. p. 'Atropurpureum dissectum' + detail of the lower leaves
It is very beautiful, but not Koto no ito. I feel that I should know this one, but I cannot recall. Nevertheless, the correct identification would be very good to have. Merci.
Hi Osoyoung, Actually, when I bought this tree, it was not labelled, so I sweated through the web, browsed Vertrees and Gregory's Japanese maples and finally came to the conclusion that it must be 'Koto-no-Ito'. But I can be wrong: what cultivar do you think it is? Why or why not?... EDIT: Oops, sorry: Read again the previous messages and realised I forgot to upload a file. This is what I think is 'Koto-no-Ito':
It's definitely 'Tsuma Gaki'. My first one died in the 2011 winter, I'm trying to keep this one as healthy as possible. It's one of my "top three" with 'Beni Haforomo' and A. shirsawanum 'Aureum' - which I still have to replace but I'm going to a local maple nursery tomorrow... ;°D
I think it's Tsuma gaki, though I'm no cultivarista, but I'm also on to my second one. It's very yellow right now, I'm going to give it a dose of Sequestrene. Koto no ito is so admirable right now, I went and took a few pictures from different angles. It is in advance of many of the Japanese maples, though those are coming along now. But it has gotten rather chilly again!
Although it's cold , windy, rainy and altogether miserable today, it was nice on Saturday, so I took some general pictures of the garden, all with maples of course. Here are which maples are in the pictures: - 'Chitose yama' (EU form), the bright maple seen through the top is A. platanoides 'Drummondii' - 'Mirte', 'Shishi gashira', japonicum 'Vitifolium' - 'Beni tsukasa' - mostly the giant Berberis darwinii and Laburnums, that is 'Orange Dream' on the right. My observation about 'Orange Dream' is that it is brilliant orange when small, but it loses this as it grows large and leafs out mostly yellow. I have never seen a large one with good spring color. - 'Higasa yama', pseudoplatanus 'Esk Sunset', A. shirasawanum, A. beurgerianum in background (and of course various Cornus) - LTR the principle maples: 'Deshojo', A. catalpifolium, A. pseudoplatanus 'Prince Camille de Rohan', 'Fior d'Arancio', 'Orangeola' (now finished w/ training) A. triflorum, A. pensylvanicum - LTR pensylvanicum, 'Kinran', 'Shigitatsu sawa', 'Nicholsonii', 'A. pictum 'Usugumo', A. shirasawanum 'Palmatifolium', 'Shin chisio' - The 3 in the foreground are a selection, 'Emmett's Pumpkin', 'Trompenberg'. The 2 bright maples in the middle distance center and right are A. tsinglingense and A. pseudoplatanus 'Corstorphinense' - Surely a questionable choice on my part, 'Shigitatsu sawa', 'Usugumo', 'Shin chisio' make a garish row from this angle. The former is newly planted, I hope this looks better once the summer foliage comes in. - A. tenuifolium 'Keikan zan'
Hi Emery. Here is my Orange Dream taken today, around 2.5mtrs tall. It’s under a Magnolia Grandiflora in dense shade and thrives.
That's a lovely Orange Dream, thanks for posting. Do you find, at that size and maturity, it's still very orange in spring or more of a yellowish color? Here's a picture taken a few days ago of A. spicatum buds, still not out. The garden is reflected (upside down of course) in the water droplet. The camera on my phone isn't the greatest for close up work, but for some reason this one came out!
Hi everyone, As I think I already mentioned, most of mine don't have colours as spectacular as last year's. My 'Orange Dream' are more yellow than orange, the same with my 'Katsura' which looks a lot like 'O.D.'. And both my 'Butterfly' have almost no pink on the leaves: I hardly fertilize them, maybe twice or 3 times in the season with 6-6-6 fertilizer because I don't want them to grow long internodes for they are potted, but I'll use some fert. containing chelated iron, magnesium, etc. the kind used for plants requiring an acidic soil. I think it may be because my water is very hard and they can't take some of the mineral salts they need. One that is not too disappointing is 'Hana matoi'. I transpotted it (put it in a larger pot without disturbing the roots too much) last week. It's doing much better than I would have thought for a plant bought cheap with a coupon from a magazine ;-) The photos aren't too good, the colours are more like in pics 1 and 3:
Just went outside and I was wrong: the first one I got (from Anduze) does have these distinctive, lovely - shall I say "delicious"?... ;°D - shades of pink: It's in a very shallow pot 5x45x30 cm or so). I first intended to shape it as a bonsai, but I think I will rather use it as a mother-tree for more air-layers.
I planted 'Butterfly' this winter, and it it quite plain, far less "delicious" heheh. Here is 'Linearlobum' (the actual cultivar) with a Cercis, platanoides 'Princeton Gold' in background, and 'Higasa yama' and 'Leat's Cottage' peaking in from the right. (And a watermark experiment). It's a phone picture but the colors are true enough, it brilliant sunshine!
Beautiful photos everyone! Thanks for sharing and getting me through a Winter that just would not give up until last week. Things are very slow and a month late here as everything is happening all at once. Spring is springing this week. We have daffodil flowering, cherry blossoms, magnolia blooms, lawns greening up, hostas coming up, and all species of maples leafing out all at the same time. Usually what happens over a month at different times is all happening at the same time over a week. This has never happened before and is pretty weird but exciting too. Anyway here are some photos from this morning before my camera battery died. beni tsukasa (first 3) Kingsville Boxwood Seiryu Sister ghost Bloodgood seedling as bonsai Orangeola Tsuga canadensis 'Hebefolia' (tag from Iseli Nursery said Hebe )
continued... Aconitifolium (first 2) Hairy like me with my Winter beard left over from Movember. Coralinium Ibo nishiki (3) Ginkgo biloba 'Tubiformis' Kagari nishiki (2)
continued... Shaina (first 2) Abies koreana 'Silberperle' Hana Mato (2) Beni otake Twombly's Red Sentinel Unknown Acer buergerianum 'Mino Yatsubusa' Acer palmatum
Here is my Acer p. 'Peaches & Cream' which has been constantly evolving since leafing out about 3-4 weeks ago! Started almost fully green with white-tinged webbing and pinkish tips, and now it's developed a lot of rust and red colouring on much of the tree, but with greener leaves elsewhere. Should be almost entirely green with high contrast veins in a month or two's time!
A few from last night Orange Dream and Betula pendula 'Youngii' Young's weeping birch Koto no ito Mikawa yatsubusa Acer palmatum 'Mikazuki' Garnet O'jishi hana matoi (right to left) Kamagata, Koto no ito, Shaina, and Goshiki shidare O'jishi Kamagata