Spring's here: the aphids are back! Jerre Schwartz, Kotohime, Katsura, Orange Dream, Tama hime and Little Princess :
Milder in Granada than in Orléans ! ;-) They say it will be around 0° C next Monday, but where I am, it's usally 1 to 3 degrees above the temperatures where they are taken.
OK, I'll spare you posting "The January man" - again! But that's the melody that came to my mind when I read your post <LOL> ... I couldn't live in a place where's there's only one season... ^^
Around here every year we have less winter, I already have almost all the maples sprouted and because I have them in the shade to slow them down a bit. Good evening
Great to hear you, J, and to see your OD. Hope all is well. We are expecting -3C on Monday morning, with a few days of frosty mornings. So I've shuttled a few things (like some new Eucalyptus just received) back inside. A. mandshuricum is starting to come out. It always has amazing red buds.
Almost frightening with the black and red on the pointed spearhead... My tiny little one (Tx E) is about to bud out.
Interesting to see lots of peoples trees starting to wake up now , same here plenty of new budding going on at present , trees that were damaged last year (spring) and cut back all seem to be coming back nicely as well . But spent a good part of today clearing my workshop to allow room for easy access of potted cultivars which i fear will be going in there soon looking at the weather forecasts , four are already in seeking shelter just starting to see leaf break on these so not taking any chances with them. Spent another part of today as well outside and looked/checked at every single tree and came back in at around 3.00pm and my hands were like solid blocks of ice , it's so cold over here at the moment forecast for frost and freezing fog with another cold front coming in on Tuesday.
I needed some winter gloves with good dexterity to avoid the painfully cold hands, so I decided to try MaxiDry, which was for sale at the horticultural supplier I use. MaxiDry® | ATG® Intelligent Glove Solutions I have to say, these are amazing. I didn't even go for the "zero" option, but they're really warm and have great grip and flexibility, for weeding, repotting, pruning, etc. And, only around 10€. Will see how well they last, but for the mo very pleased indeed, already gotten some hard graft from them. Check them out Mark!
Attempting to use my phone as not at home. I thinki remembered the cultivar correctly... The usual problem with a plant that comes from a greenhouse.
Look interesting those gloves. will have to delve more into these thanks for the info. Was glad i moved the trees yesterday though last night was bitter cold in the North with lots of ground frost this morning , moved a couple more today into the workshop to join the others, another frosty night again this evening and for the next few days ahead. Every thing is moving a bit to quickly for my liking to be honest , still weeks before we are out of the woods !!!
acer japonicum attaryi About to pop I cleaned a load of black aphids off before taking the photo grrrrrrr..they have arrived! What are you guys spraying them with early on, to get shot of them?
I haven't done it yet, but I have a mix of pyrethrins and safer soap that is good before leaf out. Will probably do it Fri or Sat.
I've just sprayed some of my trees with a mixture based on what we call "savon noir" - "black soap". It's a very old product that has come back as a cheap, organic alternative to chemical brands. It's used for the house, or for the garden. "Opusoculi", aka Pierre B. can give you the best recipes. I couldn't find the proper translation for "Savon noir" in English though. According to the label on this one, 99.5% are of "natural origin". It's based on linseed oil, not like the famous "savon de Marseille" which is based on olive oil. "Since 1919"... You will notice how they kept the image of a historical product by keeping the image of a woman scrubbing the floor <LOL> Well, that was yesterday so who cares now ? Journée internationale des femmes | Nations Unies
And - what an uncomfortable position to be doing anything that takes time - washing the floor or weeding the garden. At least kneel down!
'Kotohime' still going strong: A small Acer takesimense is the only other one showing actual leaves but others are pushing buds and wont be far behind:
Hello everyone! It's so nice to come back here and see the first pictures of Spring colors. Here's my little contribution :)