Kate Gerson has sent along these photos of a row of 'Kanzan' on Alexander, on the north side, between Princess and the lane that is between princess and Jackson. There is a 'Whitcomb' on either side of this grouping.
O-yama-zakura in bloom at NE corner of Keefer and Jackson (Lord Strathcona school yard), March 21, 2015. Around the corner at SW Princess and Keefer, a young new Shirotae is also opening up.
The Oppenheimer Park trees blossoms were just starting their snowy phase yesterday for David Tracey's Tree Talk & Walk. Here are the 'Akebono' that were looking quite small what seems like just a few years ago. Discovered on the walk: somewhat young 'Rancho' trees interspersed along Union from Jackson (already reported) to three on the south side of the street from Princess to Heatley and another closer to Hawks. This one is just west of Princess. We did not see any 'Shirotae' tree on Keefer at the Community Centre, as reported in posting #46.
I'm surprised they're just starting, when that cultivar is pretty much open in most of the city. But they should still be looking good for David Tracey's Talk & Walk on March 13. And I'm expecting the 'Akebono' trees in Oppenheimer Park to be open as well.
The 'Akebono' trees in Oppenheimer Park were in perfect bloom on March 13 for David Tracey's walk. Everyone was too wet to bother taking photos of the 'Accolade' on Pender, but they were in perfect bloom as well, as were the 'Beni-shidare' in the neighbourhood. 'Yae-beni-shidare' had some open blooms, as did 'Rancho'. The second photo was taken by Louisa Lo.
Oppenheimer Park is a good place to compare 'Akebono' (first 3 photos) with 'Somei-yoshino' (last 3 photos).
Wendy Cutler spotted these four 'Whitcomb' trees blooming on Terminal, east of National. Nice to see some pink. Blooming about the same time as they did in 2013 (see post #40).
About 40 people joined Egan Davis for a walk and talk in Strathcona today, starting at Oppenheimer Park. Thanks to Egan for sharing his passion and enthusiasm.
Wendy Cutler spotted this charming little spot on Vernon and Adanac - complete with mosaic benches and murals, not to mention the 'Kanzan' in full bloom today.
It was wet and wonderful - Saturday's walk with Egan Davis in Strathcona. Fourteen keeners attended, with umbrellas.
Lots of different cultivars of cherry trees in bloom on Saturday April 6. Everything from 'Accolade' to 'Kanzan'. Most impressive was the 'O-yama-zakura', as it was in peak bloom. Egan showed us many other fascinating trees as well -including Paper Mulberry, Lemon cypress, Antarctic Beech, Tulip Tree, European Hornbeam and even Arbutus.
The 'Shirotae' on Campbell, north of Keefer was very fragrant on Saturday, April 6 even in the rain. Approaching peak bloom now.