I'm a transplanted New Englander living in the San Francisco Bay area. I would very much like to plant a sugar maple tree in my yard. Can anyone tell me if this type of maple can survive the SF climate? I live just on the other side of the east bay hills, so the winters can get a few frosts each year, and the summers can get into the 100s. Any suggestions as to whom I can speak with locally about the success of this tree out here and where I can buy one? Thanks so much. atobin@oraclebmwracing.com
Everything except good fruit bearing trees do well in the Bay Area (well almost everything!). However, the California equivalent to the sugar maple in terms of color is the liquid amber. They thrive in the bay area and are found everywhere. Their are several varieties with a range of fall colors and the maple-like leafs are big and green all summer. In Walnut Creek, the trees are in the median driving down Ygnacio Valley by John Muir, for example. A good nursery to consult regarding sugar maples and the liquid amber is "Orchard" off Acalanes/Mt Diablo in Orinda. They have an excellent selection of deciduous trees. The only problems with the liquid ambers are their propensity to break up sidewalks if not watered properly, the "gumballs" that drop in the fall, and no maple syrup. Good luck!