Appreciation: Summer maples 2022

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Acerholic, Jun 6, 2022.

  1. LoverOfMaples

    LoverOfMaples Generous Contributor Maple Society

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    Rhode Island
    It's such a beautiful tree to me. I'll keep you in the loop with the progress of my search. Thanks a lot for the generosity!
  2. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Probably my last post to this thread, seeing as how it's October... but there are still maples that have leafed out afresh, after defoliating. These will not have autumn colors, just turn brown when it freezes, and likely stay marcescent. A few other maples haven't started turning to the fall phase of things yet.

    A strange and unidentified maple from Thailand. It was supposed to be A. pseudowilsonii. Maybe a form of A. elegantulum? Not normally endemic to Thailand, but... Don't know how visible it is in the pictures, but it does have a terminal bud.
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    A. rubrum 'Scanlon'

    A. rubrum 'Sun Valley', I dislike seeing flowers this time of year
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    The always interesting A. crataegifolium 'Veitchii', I took lots of pictures! These are first week of October
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    Presumably a snakebark hybrid (or error), was supposed to be A. taronense but reads as A. forrestii

    'Utsu semi' with a fallen leaf from 'Akikaze nishiki'

    A. takisimense and 'Shishigashira'. It is interesting how much later takisimense is than pseudosieboldianum

    The latest to join the maple party, A. laevigatum, hopefully will stand in for my corpses (still holding out hope for one of them). Thanks Alain!
    Acerholic, Xi-feng, AlainK and 2 others like this.

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