Appreciation: Summer maples 2022

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Acerholic, Jun 6, 2022.

  1. D97x7

    D97x7 Contributor 10 Years

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    Somerset, England
    Amber Ghost, no longer amber in my garden.
    Orange Dream, loving life this year

    Shishio Improved

    Beni Shigitatusawa

    Reticulatum Purple, looking very much like my Amber Ghost at the moment.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2022
  2. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Have uploaded another batch, here from around the garden earlier this week.

    A. flabellatum var yunnanense

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    Autumn Moon
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    A. grandidentatum, the Canyon Maple
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    A. caesium ssp. giraldii
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    Pink Filigree and Holodiscus discolor, a shrub not much seen in EU but native in Vancouver, I believe.
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    Betula utilis 'Doorenbos' provides shade for several maples. Probably planted in 2003, but unfortunately the date is missing from the database. Certainly before 2010, just to give you an idea of how it grows. (Though because of our extremely acidic soil, everything is very slow here).
  3. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Some more, with a few buddies thrown in...

    A strange juxtaposition, an A. davidii selection (the darker leaves) mixing in with A. distylum (lighter green); the leaves are actually quite similar. I don't think the davidii selection is usually this rounded, I kept it for the intense yellow of the bark. There's a smaller distylum on the lower left, that was quite chlorotic, so much so that the terminal leaves are still somewhat washed out on the edges.

    O kagami, a really good red JM. We had a very large one that died of vert. wilt perhaps 10 years ago, it took me a long time to find a replacement, as the cultivar went out of style.
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    A fabulous evergreen dogwood, Cornus hongkongensis. Fully hardy, it blooms late and for a long time. Actually early this year.
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    So called griseum x pseudoplatanus 'Purple Haze'. I think it is probably a form of pseudoheldreichii.
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    A nice buddy, Oleara ilicifolium. Just getting established although planted in 2018.

    In 2013 I decided to plant an alignment of A. palmatum, from seedlings germinated in 2011. Now I would grow these for several more years before planting, but they did eventually manage to get established and are now getting some size. Except the one that froze back to almost nothing, in the center of pic 2...
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    Sango kaku in front of A. sieboldianum

    A. sieboldianum, taken from an upstairs window.
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  4. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Yesterday I did a tour of maples in pots, mostly cultivars, which are growing out until they can be planted out in the garden. For a few years I've been trying to build the collection of dissectums, of which there aren't that many in the garden and which I hope to use to fill in "gaps" between more upright maples. So I'll start with those in their summer habits. A few will be planted out in early spring.

    Hopefully labeled. I sometimes have a hard time remembering names of stuff in pots, especially among the red dissectums, some of which are pretty similar anyway. So labeling the photos helps me keep it straight, too.

    Note that 'Oshu shidare' is the Japanese version rather than the American version.

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    Last edited: Jun 26, 2022
  5. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Back to the 3 hour tour of pots, here are the JM cultivars growing before getting planted. (There are more of these than fit in a post, so I'll continue later).

    The first 2 unlabeled pics are 'Bi hoo', not doing great this year as it got too much sun. I'm hoping it will put on some growth in a second flush. I'd love to get it into the ground -- it's in a 35l pot here -- but the stem isn't entirely healed from it's freeze years ago.

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  6. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Finishing the JM cultivars growing in pots this year. There's a typo, it should be 'Koto maru', not mara. You can see a little seedling from Villa Taranto growing in the pot of Murasaki kiyohime.

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  7. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    A seedling from the "atropurpureum" family. The leaves are half the size of the parent tree, but it's still young so that doesn't mean much. It keeps a nice colour rather long through the season. May 6th and close-up today, June 29th :

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  8. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    We "sometimes" ^^ have rain (there will be some tomorrow, hopefully). A second flush then shows, like on my 'Deshojo', new leaves among older ones :

  9. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    1st July 2022 and we are now in second flush period. So here are a few that caught my eye a few minutes ago in my garden. The rain has also helped.
    Baby Ghost...............................................Karusagawa......................................Reticulatum Purple
    Baby Ghost 1st July 2022.JPG Karusagawa 1st July 2022.JPG Reticulatum Purple 1st July 2022.JPG
    Milligan.............................................................Shaina x 2
    Milligan 1st July 2022.JPG Shaina 1st July 2022 (2).JPG Shaina 1st July 2022.JPG
    Skeeters Broom....................................Murasaki kiyohime.......................Kamagata
    Skeeters Broom 1st July 2022.JPG Murasaki Kiyohime 1st July 2022.JPG Kamagata 1st July 2022.JPG
    ChrisUk, Xi-feng, dicky5ash and 8 others like this.
  10. Lisa Harry

    Lisa Harry Contributor

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    New Westminster, BC, Canada
    I swear checking out everyone’s beautiful gardens is like being on the home shopping channel.. for those of you listing the names thanks my shopping list is ridiculous!!! Anyway many of my trees are struggling but a few are doing great so here’s a few.
    WATNOG seems to like its new home, he’s got some pretty unique colouring.
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    Autumn Moon
    Red Dragon, looks good but I think spring it will certainly need up potting.
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    Summer Gold, I love the colours of this tree and I’m so happy so far its fairing well where it’s located. It is full sun from morning to late evening. Our weather has been erratic but its holding up well.. I’m up potting her today.
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    ChrisUk, Xi-feng, dicky5ash and 8 others like this.
  11. Lisa Harry

    Lisa Harry Contributor

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    New Westminster, BC, Canada
    Here is a few more.

    Moonrise - Outstanding performance.. This tree is under a shade cloth from late day sun and throughout the day it doesn’t get very much sun. However it does get a solid breeze most of the time. This year I’d say its tolerated incredible winds. I am extremely impressed at how well it is doing. As you can we the Orion behind it is totally suffering from the wind or whatever..
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    OMURE YAMA - Another Incredible performer, it was up potted 2 years ago and has totally taken off this year, really impressed, its full sun am to late evening and does get a bit of a breeze not as bad as moonrise.
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    ORANGEOLA - also amazing same as above it was up potted last year and really doing well
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    ChrisUk, Xi-feng, dicky5ash and 7 others like this.
  12. Lisa Harry

    Lisa Harry Contributor

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    New Westminster, BC, Canada
    Last bit

    PEVE MULTICOLOUR - this is new to me this past spring, I fell in love.. she seems to be happy in her spot. It’s full sun with late afternoon shade. Really like this one so lovely.
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    MYSTERY TREE - I believe it might be white peaches but it seems happy where it is and fitting in with the group.
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    TAYLOR - she was suffering, lots of browning leaves and just not thriving so I moved her here to more sun and she seems to have livened up.. hopefully it lasts. Just love the colour variation.
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    ChrisUk, Xi-feng, dicky5ash and 6 others like this.
  13. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    Very nice ! I love the blue bike , it it only decoration ? And the fluffy animal too.

    I don't have a 'Taylor' but from what I've often read it's quite temperamental. I think 'Butterfly' is somewhat similar and stays healthier (mine do, including a big one now from air-layering).

    PS : 9:02 in Vancouver, 18:02 here : I'm already 9 hours older than you are! ;°)
    dicky5ash and Lisa Harry like this.
  14. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Good luck with Taylor Lisa. I've had three and all died. If you do lose yours, consider Beni shichihenge it is just as pretty in Spring with the pinks and a lot stronger cultivar.
    Re your mystery tree, I would say White Peaches as well. Very similar to mine here in Southern England.
    Loved all your 1st July photos btw. They all look very happy.
    Lisa Harry likes this.
  15. Lisa Harry

    Lisa Harry Contributor

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    New Westminster, BC, Canada
    Thanks so much @Acerholic ill try to send a few more today it’s a lovely day here.
  16. Lisa Harry

    Lisa Harry Contributor

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    New Westminster, BC, Canada
    Thanks @AlainK yes the bike is decoration a gift from my mother on last year’s birthday. The fury think is our lovely 16 year old Ananna she started this whole craze when we decided she needed a shading tree for her sleeping spot (they both my profile picture). I’m starting to see Taylor is temperamental.
    ChrisUk and maf like this.
  17. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    My accidental 'Taylor' (rec'd by accident and didn't pay for) is still alive. I have never managed to grow one, but Neil Kenney of Larchfield Trees advised sticking it in full sun and forgetting to water; this seems to be helping. We'll see how far neglect takes it!

    Meanwhile, here is the rest of my photos of maples in pots, seedlings, non-JMs others. Starting with a Dogwood not in a pot, and starting to flower early, but a summer stalwart: Cornus hongkongensis, a fine evergreen tree.

    The 2 unlabeled are of a pretty yellow palmatum (hybrid) seedling, very red in spring, but not really so big that I've considered it a selection or given it a DB entry! The pics at the end everything is covered with bits of Tilia flowers, following a rain shower.

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  18. Lisa Harry

    Lisa Harry Contributor

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    New Westminster, BC, Canada
    Wow @emery they all look great. Well I can certainly see how that might help it. I do find that it’s much happier in the sun and it rarely has a dry pot. I water it because I feel it’s just been too long. Maybe it is that defiant being that wants to do everything on their own
  19. Lisa Harry

    Lisa Harry Contributor

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    New Westminster, BC, Canada
    Green River - no idea how I missed listing this beautiful guy. He is very new to us and I am in awe. His colours are stunning to me and he really brings diversity to the garden. He’s in full sun with mild very late day shade. Average breeze, my yard tends to always have at least a mild breeze.

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    AlainK, ChrisUk, Xi-feng and 3 others like this.
  20. ChrisUk

    ChrisUk Active Member

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    Bristol, England
    oh! @emery. did you see a real difference? I've got a small one from last year, and this year it's not as full, and I had to put it in the shade because the leaves were starting to dry out.
    So, do you think I should do like you did and put it in sun? What would you think helped more, the sun or watering less? I like its pink leaves!
  21. ChrisUk

    ChrisUk Active Member

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    Bristol, England
    @Lisa Harry , You've got such a nice collection of trees!!

    Edit: well actually, now I am scrolling up, all of you have!
    Lisa Harry and Acerholic like this.
  22. ChrisUk

    ChrisUk Active Member

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    Bristol, England
    @Cattwooduk , I really like that Acer! if you don't mind me asking, which nursery did you find it at? (you can pm me if you want), thanks!
  23. Lisa Harry

    Lisa Harry Contributor

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    New Westminster, BC, Canada
    Thanks @ChrisUk almost all my trees are recommended by those on this forum. I love our little collection even if a couple are totally struggling, probably cause I’m loving them to death
    ChrisUk likes this.
  24. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    So, here's what mine looks like today.

    The story with this one is I received it accidentally, from a very reputable nursery where it had been packed by accident in place of one of my orders. I really didn't want it, but they suggested I give it a try, so here we are. It was a very healthy plant when I repotted overwinter, and in spring it's started to leave out well, but but then in a cold snap, no freezing but cold, it simply stopped. And turn to black, as they do. Is eventually grew a couple of leaves and then seem to stop again. When I put it in the sun and stopped watering, all the pink came out. It's not super attractive, but it is alive!
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    ChrisUk, maf and Xi-feng like this.
  25. dicky5ash

    dicky5ash Generous Contributor Maple Society

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    Northampton Uk
    Some nice prospects you have..I really like that Koko..not seen or heard of that one.

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