On the same block as the previous posting, 59th from Main to Prince Edward, the 'Whitcomb' are finished; 'Accolade' (first two photos) and 'Akebono' are in bloom now. Around the corner on Prince Edward, younger 'Akebono' (not pictured) are open in both directions; 'Afterglow' are only few days from being fully open. They're plenty good for bud and blossom photos now. On 57th from Ontario to Main, the 'Umineko' (first photo) and 'Spire' are just starting to open. I have to say, the 'Spire' are not particularly inspiring.
The Oshima at SE Prince Edward and E. 51st, by the secondary parking lot for Sunset Ice Rink, is in bloom April 3, 2014.
The Snofozam girdle in Sunset. Rootstock has emerged and towers over the Snofozam graft in front yard at NE Fraser and E. 61st. April 4, 2014. Similar case in Kensington-Cedar Cottage at this post: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showpost.php?p=325036&postcount=263
Whitcombs are in full bloom, even starting to drop petals, in Sunset Neighbourhood on February 12, 2015; along E. 59th Avenue, east of Main and at Sunset Ice Rink, SW corner E. 51st and Prince Edward.
Double row of Rancho trees on both sides of E. 43rd, west of Knight, along with single Spire tree in bloom March 17. 2015.
Oshima in full bloom, getting red-eyes on southeast corner of Prince Edward and E. 51st, at March 17, 2015.
At Prince Edward and E. 61, the first Afterglow is starting its bloom besides the Shirotae and Akebono trees, March 18, 2015.
This Snofozam at north side of E. 50, east of Prince Edward, seems to be blooming along the line of its yard fence on March 18, 2015.
The Great White, Tai-haku, dominating the NW corner Main and E. 47 is in full bloom on March 24, 2015.
What would be the history of the Ichihara-no-o on East 57th just east of Fraser? Who planted it and how old is it? The tree is like an illustration in a fairy tale and today (March 30) incredibly perfect after weathering the rains of yesterday.
Thanks for posting that. I was hoping the map was right about the date (it was). How are your historian skills? Post your findings here!
Ichihara-tora-no-o's markers: stigmas protruding from the buds, and blossoms alternating with leaves along the tiger's tail.
The two Ichyio trees on the east side of Fraser, southside E. 54, are in full bloom at March 31, 2015.
Ichihara-tora-no-o on 57th, east of Fraser looking very fine today. Had to use my imagination to see the tiger tails.
During Vaisakhi today, I stopped by the Sunset Community Centre and noticed this little young tree in the back nestled right by the city tree nursery. The flowers were small but more complex than the Akebono's I am used to seeing all over downtown and the weeping type tree shape suggested it was something different. Not much else seemed to be blooming in the neighbourhood yet although there were a few other cherry trees in bloom reported in previous years. This forum suggests that this area is home to quite a different variety of cherry trees than I would see downtown. My guess from the guide is that it is Ito-zakura.
It looks like 'Yae-beni-shidare' to me. Not a great example, but what do I know. Maybe it will be a great tree.