Hello all. I am having trouble keying this plant out. I belive it should be either P. philippinum or P. kawakamii. Possibly P. interuptum var. multinervum But there are a couple points that do not flow well with the key im using (i know its older and there are other species since described here). I am following Flora of taiwan second edition. Its available online free: 植物學電子書 botanical eBook - Plants of TAIWAN 台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統 Here is their key 電子書 台灣植物誌第二版 Flora of Taiwan, 2nd edition 2: 626 - Plants of Taiwan 台灣植物資訊整合查詢系統 So here is my plant, at some key characteristics that conflict the descriptipns im following: Leaf: All have 5 main veins Secondary veins are reticulate (strongly) They are in no way heart shape and only slightly form a tip. This is the biggest reason for not being P. philippinum. Flower etc The staminate spikes are erect. P. interuptum is said to be pendulous, so should disqualify this one. Which leaves me to think (haha) it should be P. kawakamii. But the description notes "chartaceous leaf". Im no expert, just an interested hobbyist but the leaves do feel more leathery and on the way to more succulent than they do papery. But im new to this so maybe my thought of leather and paper are not tuned in. I am posting pics shortly from the computer to confirm.
Both are photographed on page 823 of that volume. I think it is easy to eliminate P. philippinum from that photo, based on leaf venation. The leaves of Piper kawakamii don't look particularly papery either, but try this -- see what happens when you press the specimen and look at a dried specimen. Sometimes the keys are written from herbarium specimens and you have to consider the descriptions from that perspective.
Hello Daniel. Thanks for the reply. I will definately make some dried press ones to compare. That is a fantastic idea, I never would have thought of that!