to plant maple trees well

Discussion in 'Maples' started by alex66, Mar 11, 2007.

  1. Active Member Maple Society

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    Piedmont Virginia
    I put mine in the ground when the graft is fully healed and the diameter of the trunk is at least 1 cm, we call this the caliber of the tree. I then have to keep it protected with some type of screen wire to prevent, what ever kind of animal which comes along and eats the tops off of my trees. I have lost so many to this animal it isn't even funny. It is not a deer because we don't have them here, but if I saw it, I would blow it away and then hang it out for the rest of them to see. Oh yea momma, can't buck the boss, but I am almost as old as she is now, sorta weird like that when you get older. Just last month we had lunch at a restaurant for which she was a waitress at in 1942 , while we were there she saw one the porter she worked with in 42 still working there. There was a monument to down the street to my grandfather who died while protecting Virginia from when the United States invaded us.
  2. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    Today planted acer Caesium subsp.Giraldii (is my second Giraldii, I love this maple for the name, beautiful leaves and branch )whit the advice of this thread(^_^) natural method of course !tomorrow planted again Davidii Cascade,Platanoides Maculatum....tanks to all; CIAO alex
  3. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    Hi some people prune the branch when planted maple is a good idea or no ? I read different opinions.... please reply ,alex
  4. Active Member Maple Society

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    Piedmont Virginia
    Very small branches is OK to cut, say no larger then 4 mm but to cut a large one say a centimeter or larger could cause the tree to bleed, preventing you from sealing the cut and allowing nasties in. Spring pruning could cause the tree to put out new growth next to what you just cut off, spring is not the right timer for shaping your trees. I prune in August the sap is not rising and it gives the tree time to heal before winter. I spray a good fungicide on larger cuts and then seal it with a bees wax based dressing. I have even used diaper rash cream on some cuts. I only know about Asian maples but I would think that this advice would apply to all most any tree of value, would not you. I didn't go looking this up I am just using common sense, I just go figure Alex, how do they get maple syrup, would they do that to a juvenile tree, na.
  5. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    Hi today I planted my last acer for this year,is the acer that I chosen for my baby daughter acer Longipes Amplum GOLD COIN (together Quercus Palustris and Prunus Rebecca)some body have this philosophy?somebody planted acer thinking to the family?Which ?alex
  6. Active Member Maple Society

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    Piedmont Virginia
    One of my neighbors had this philosophy, when a child was born he planted black walnut trees, when they were old enoughs to go to college he sold them which paid for all of his children's education. His land was on a mountain and too steep to grow much else, I thing this is a form of philosophy. A fathers love and understanding of the value of a tree, and the value of owning land even if it seems worthless to anyone that see it.
  7. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    Today no work in the garden in Italy rain ,I read much old magazine and I know that any man planted tree second moon phase, in this article speak of acer too ,and I read that the acer is" moon sensitive". Quote:The bearing is several in the phase growing and waning for lymph that is more or little;the acer saccharinum product lymph more sweet when the moon is waning......and you? see the moon when planted maple?
  8. alex66

    alex66 Rising Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    ROME Italy zone9/b
    Hi today in Rome I have see that some garden man of autority planted acer Negundo subsp.Negundo on the road ,big tree 3/4 m high , in the hole ,they have put one tube in plastic for water direct on roots !is a good idea?
  9. Active Member Maple Society

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    Piedmont Virginia
    One tube to supply the roots with water what about the other roots and are they going to dump water down this tube twice a week or will they just forget they put a tube there. In Virginia, garden man of autority will attach a one meter tall green water bag to the trunk of the tree, The water in this bag will slowly drip water out over the base of the tree, it takes a long time for all of the water to leak out, depending on the size of the bag, in a drought they may fill it every other day. You can get a bag that can hold almost 200 liters. I don't understand pipes to the roots of a tree because maple tree roots are only a few centimeters to a meter below ground, their fibrous roots will quickly spread out, not down, especially if water is available. So here is a link about what we do when we can not attend the aqua needs of trees ,if you don't see these in Roma you may be able to make some real €s....>
  10. whis4ey

    whis4ey Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    Northern Ireland
    I have had great success with installing a piece of down spout to the bottom of the rootball hole when planting
    It means that for the first year or so you can get water down to the roots where it is needed, rather than just dampen off the surface of the soil
    Water to me is a scarce commodity as I operate from a private well and have to be cautious during a dry spell
    I certainly don't have access to 20 or 50 gallons of water for any one tree
    Richard ... Alex does very well with his English and I have the greatest admiration for him for his efforts, as I am sure you agree
    Nevertheless you gave me a smile
    You can see the top of the plastic pipe here, covered by a stone
    Gravel filled into the hole will stop mice or other rodents from being given a free passage for root nibbling sessions

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