What does it mean when the leaves start cupping like this? The margins, veins and undersides have a purple tint too.
From link, above: Symptoms: Leaves of infested plants are dwarfed, crinkled, rolled inward, and cupped upward. Veins on the underside of leaves usually have a purple discoloration, may be roughened, and often produce swellings or spine-like outgrowths. Roots are stunted and may exhibit a proliferation of secondary rootlets. Phloem tissues become necrotic and appear as dark rings when viewed in cross section.
Just a few: NMSU: Curly Top Virus "Leaves turn yellow with purple veins." https://ucanr.edu/sites/Vegetable_Crops/files/227742.pdf "Plants are stunted and have up- or down curled leaves with dull green-yellow color and purpling of the veins" Backyard Gardener - Management of Curly Top Virus - May, 17, 2017 University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Yavapai County "In time, the leaves also become leathery, veins turn a purplish color and the interveinal leaf area turns yellowish. " https://utahpests.usu.edu/uppdl/files-ou/factsheet/curly-top-tomato08.pdf "The leaves will become thicker and crisp and will roll upwards as the petioles of the leaf roll downwards, which gives the disease its name (Fig. 2). They will also turn a dull yellow color purple colored veins (Fig. 3)." How to Protect Your Tomatoes from Curly Top Virus – TomatoCulture "Telltale signs: leaves turn pale, leathery and curled. The veins bulge purple." (removed hotlinked image, it is present in the link above -- forum admin) Mine are dark green. Not pale whatsoever. Also they're not curled, just cupped. I've read this can also be caused by windy conditions, which we've had. I guess I'll wait and see.
Still no pale leaves, but I'm fairly certain it's BCTV now. Leaves and petioles twisted into weird shapes. Veins bulging. Tough, leathery leaves. Stunted growth. strange numerous offshoots. Do I need to worry about leafhoppers spreading this virus to my other plants? look at this flower pod that suddenly started growing into a new leader