Trial & Error: My Life in Plants: Ch1

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by nadiagrowsup, Sep 19, 2017.

  1. nadiagrowsup

    nadiagrowsup New Member

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    New York, New York
    Philodendron Bippinatifidum / Selloum

    So I messed up. I put this plant in the bathroom, rather like likerally perched on the tub near me while I bathe. I moved the plant realizing it is getting overwatered from the back splash of the shower but now it is all pale & sad & lost lots of leaves & its new growth is coming out yellow.

    Yes I know - not gonna water it for awhile.

    Tried to overcompensate by putting it out in the sun on my fire escape which rendered the leafs even paler, got burnt I suppose.

    I moved it to a bigger pot & added dry soil. At this point - what to do? Which corner should I let this plant chill at? Bright one near a window or away from a draft & in the shade?

    Help me O wise ones, I've much to learn.

    Attached Files:

  2. wcutler

    wcutler Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout 10 Years

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    Vancouver, BC Canada
    Chill in the shade, I would think.
    Is there a drainage hole in the bottom of that pot? If not, there needs to be one, so either add a hole (almost an inch diameter) for excess water to exit the pot, or move the plant to a different pot.
  3. nadiagrowsup

    nadiagrowsup New Member

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    New York, New York
    There are 12 holes I punctured for it.

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