I know it's not easy in many cases to ID bamboo, but here goes anyway. Branching at the nodes doesn't have a typical Phyllostachys appearance. Leaves are all mostly 7 inches long, and are often ribbed along the length. Dark coloring at the nodes. New shoots have a fuzzy sheath. It's the only Bamboo of many that I own, without an ID (this I hate). Here's some pics for those that may want a stab at this one. Cheers, LPN.
Semiarundinaria is pretty much what I'd been thinking too Ron. I was never completely convinced about which species, since many reference photos show a wide variety in culm coloring. S. fastuosa seems a likely candidate and if a fading memory serves me, I believe I had opportunity to harvest this a while back. I'll watch it closely as it continues to grow for more facts to confirm it's true identity. Thanks, LPN.