I have two 25 year old James grapes that are no longer productive. They hardly produce any grapes at all. I can't seem to locate any new ones. Any suggestions?
I'm not familiar with James, but if you are (or have been) happy with them, take some cuttings and re-start them. Your new plants will be clones of the old ones. You might also wish to have a soil analysis done to make sure the problem isn't environmental, and if it is, then remedy that. Ralph
Hello! I was using "Google" for information on how to prune the grape vines I've inherited. Two of the vines I have are what my parents called James grapes. I typed in James grapes but did not really think I'd get a hit because so many people have never heard of them. Of all things, the only link that came back with anything about James grapes was on this forum! I'm in North Carolina, USA. I read the question about where to get new plants. I don't know that, but the other person who replied is correct -- it is not difficult to get a new vine started from a cutting. I'm just glad someone else has James grapes! Good Luck!
It's quite possible the grapes you have mentioned are another variety. They are probably muscadine grapes since you live in Florida. Can you describe the fruit or possibly post some pictures of the grape. This web link might help you http://www.crfg.org/pubs/ff/muscadinegrape.html Cheers Kim
prairiegrapes , ppeeler does not live in Florida, he lives in North Carolina, so they probably are actual grapes. - Millet (1,434-)
Thanks for the replies. Yes, I live in the foothills of the mountains in NC, not Florida. These are not muscadines because we have those also. We have the dark muscadines and the golden scuppernongs (which are my favorites!). The James grapes are best for jellies and such. I don't care much for eating them off the vine. take care, ppeeler
You probably have a vitis labrusca grape. It could be that the James grape is just a regional name for another grape variety ie Concord, Fredonia. Worden etc. This happens a lot when you are trying id cultivars. If you have samples or pictures of the fruits/ leaves it makes it much easier to id.
The "Mother vine" was located near Whitehurst Station in Pitt County, North Carolina,USA. It is no longer there. Some of my exended family cut down the vine and burned the stump in an effort to clean the yard of the James "homeplace". Sad but true... My grandmother used to tell me that the James grape was developed by one of my ancestors but I don't know how valid that is. Milton James
Wow, sorry to hear you lost the mother plant. My James grapes are producing an incredible amount of grapes! I hope everyone else is having the same good fortune.
My original (James) vine isn't producing all that great but I have rooted acouple of vines off that seem to be doing well. These little guys had grapes on them. In fact this vine roots so easy that I have been able to share with others. Milton
Hi Milton that's really great to hear from you. It 's a good idea to keep the plant going. So many of the old varieties have disappeared. U.P. Hedricks book Grapes of New York is a good resource for some of the "heritage cultivars". Have you propogated many plants. It might be worth contacting ARS USDA gene bank to see if they have it in their collections. http://www.ars.usda.gov/Main/docs.htm?docid=12254 Cheers Kim
Kim By no means am I an expert. I have started a couple of Niagra vines from cuttings from my Father-in-law. The amazing thing about them was they looked like dead sticks but with a little rooting powder and pressed into the ground they produced healthy vines one of which I moved twice. The James grape vines I usually just pull a branch down and bury it. After about a year I cut it loose from the original vine so it can be transplanted. The James Grape is not a threatened species. Down South you can find plenty of vines. I got mine from a guy that lives near Fayetteville, NC, USA.
I use to raise james grapes. Mine quit producing and died like yours also. It wasn't until too late that I found that some of the air roots needed to take root to bypass and replace the old trunks. they are good grapes. we got ours back in the 50's. I don't remember from where.
Charlie My vine didn't die, it just quit producing so I pull a limb down and buried it to start a new vine. Also this winter I plan to severly cut back the origional vine to maybe get back to some good wood. If it don't work, no problem I'll just start a new vine. Milton
I bought some James grapes (3 vines) from Ison's approximately 30 years ago and they have for the past fews years only produced a handful of grapes. What would be the best way to try to get them back in production? Should I just cut them back to the ground or should I try to root a new cutting from the leave?
I found that pulling a limb down (still attached to the vine) and burying it to let it root. A new vine will more likely produce more fruit. To enhance the rooting you might want to scrape some of the bark off and apply rooting powder before you bury the limb.You did not say whether you had been pruning you 30 year old vines. If not prune them back this winter. Milton
Sure call me at 830-5169; ask for Milton. I have already pruned my vine but we should be able to find some cuttings.
I would like to know where and how I can obtain some cuttings from a James Grape? My grandmother had one as a girl, and I have looked for it for years. I live in the Piedmont section of North Carolina,USA, between Asheboro, and Raliegh. E-mail me at sbullin@asheboro.com if you can help.