Very Confused

Discussion in 'Maples' started by shiroi oni, Mar 28, 2005.

  1. shiroi oni

    shiroi oni Active Member

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    S. Pasadena
    Please help. I have a few maples, most of which I am rather sure of their breed, but one has given me much distress.

    I fisrt thought it was a bloodgood, but having seen a few japanese negre (black) maples and imperial I maples, i cannot tell which of the three it is. attached is a few pictures from its leafing last autumn and of it's leaves this spring. Last Autaumn leafings began green, then turned orange, then red, This years began red, and have remained so

    thank you so much for your help

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  2. ColbyTrio

    ColbyTrio Active Member 10 Years

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    Modesto, CA
    I'm not sure aout the maples... but I am sure about your camera! Damn, that sucker takes great pictures!
  3. shiroi oni

    shiroi oni Active Member

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    S. Pasadena
    I was very confused when I wrote the post, of the three I think it might be, I mentioned Japanese negre, but meant Japanese Nigrum, and as for the Imperial, I meant Emperor 1. Sorry for the confusion.

    As for the maple in question, when I first bought, its leaves were small, less than an inch across. I replanted it mid summer, fertilizing it with "fish sauce" and kelp extract. The summer was hot and dry, my maple stayed moist, and remained under a canopy of eucalyptus . By mid July, the leaves browned, and then fell off.

    August came and with it a new growth of leaves, large green leaves, 3 to 4 inches across (see picture). From green , the leaves turned orange then finally red. These stayed with the Maple till Late December and it was bare until late February, when it began to leaf again, this time with bright crimson leaves. Now the leaves are very large and very purple red as you can see in the pictures from my earlier post..

    thanks again

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