@emery Thanks for info useful.. I picked mine up at an arboretum..I didn’t see any other paperbarks close by..so I’m not holding out much hope. re the green house..I bought it in the summer from a local garden centre that was changing its range..I had to go and dissemble it.. it was a small one Eden brand 8x6 with toughened glass, water butt, racking all for £100 instead of £800!!! I could not resist!
I have sooooo many seeds! lol I took Acerholics(?) advice and put 2 large and 1 smaller baggy of dirt and seed in the fridge (using up an entire crisper drawer for 5 months '♀️ and I have a container on my porch full of seeds and dirt that will most obviously freeze this winter. I picked them all off my beauty tree on the front lawn of the house I sold as it didn't sell until well...it hasn't closed yet because the first buyer defaulted but that's another story for another day. Lets just say, I was and am still able to grab samaras! As I said I was very surprised to find most of the seeds I cracked open ha an embryo so I have a lot of hope for there. At 10% viability rate I should end up with quite a few seedlings!? Next Spring I think I'll put them all in the ground, put some hardware cloth over them to keep the deer and such away and mark the spot. With any luck, in Spring of 2022 I will have a nice batch of baby Paperbark Maples.
Good morning, great update and it sounds like you are going to have some lovley seedlings in the next couple of years. So sorry to hear your house sell fell through, but this does seem to be happening a lot over here atm as well. Difficult circumstances with Covid etc I suppose. But hope you are settling in well at your farm.
Probably not necessary in your climate. If possible it's good to let outdoor temperature regulation do the work, there's less chance of early germination, which is problematic unless you have a greenhouse. Not to mention that your spouse/companion/self will usually resent giving up the fridge space! Sorry to hear about the sale... we're involved on the other side of one, as D says very complicated to be closing mid-quarantines etc.
Thanks guys! Ok I'll put those baggys outside too. :) Or maybe just leave the small one in there. I'll try everything to make these 'work'. Yes the house sale (or not) was a nightmare. Should be illegal. Getting the deposit was not worth the aggravation!
Let's hope 2021 works out well for your sell and of course your very special Griseum seeds. Look forward to hearing the updates.
Hello people, My name is Tim and i come from Holland and i am very much interested in germinating and propagating Acer Griseum too! I have bought a very nice specimen and after that one was planted in my garden i wanted more of them so i started reading every single post about these trees i could find. In the meanwhile i have found a reliable source of viable true Acer Griseum seeds and i found a way to split the samara’s without damaging the seeds and combined several techniques to break the double dormancy of these seeds with great succes! I started the first batch a month ago and now have around 50 seedlings growing well. I will start the next batch in a few weeks when the first plants can be moved to my greenhouse.
Hi Tim, glad you have been able to post your seeds and your process. Will look forward to seeing how they progress over the coming years. Again, welcome to the maples forum.
well done, Tim! You have succeeded where many do the rest of us have not. I would be happy if you would share with us the the details (“ split the samaras without damaging the seeds and combined several techniques”). I have a large number of samaras from this years crop and I am sure most, if not all, contain viable embryos. I’ve been at this for years and would dearly like to know how to achieve what you have.
Well, i really would like to share the knowledge about waking and growing the acer griseum seeds but... i have invested some time, effort and money during the process of mastering these skills and had a little plan to get some benefit from all this work. That’s why i posted a link in my first post on this site to a place where people could buy some of my pretreated seeds together with a complete explanation of the germination and propagation procedure of these seeds. Unfortunately i was banned for spamming in no-time without any explanation from this site and only because of the help from member/moderator Acerholic i could make my rentree to this site. Things like this make people a little more cautious and the spontaneity to share skills and knowledge disappears like snow before the sun when these things happen so i hope you’ll understand that i keep my thoughts and skills for myself for the near future until i have the idea that my little seed can grow into something beautiful without negative feelings for me. Best wishes, Tim
"I am happy to share..." Kudos to those who have given freely, for the common good like @zfrittz & @Whachamacollit
@Whachamacollit People do gladly give information on their experiences with plants freely on the forum, which is one of it's strongest points. If this is not for you Tim, then perhaps another outlet on the Internet is probably best. But if you reconsider your thoughts on this, then the forum is always here.
It's worth remembering that the folks who volunteer for this forum, or for the Maple Society, or even who just help people with their questions about gardening with maples, spend a tremendous amount of time without compensation. We do this because of our passion for maples, sharing our knowledge is part and parcel.
I would like my comment to not be considered anything official from the forums, nor is it a criticism of anything said above. We would be nowhere without all the volunteer knowledge shared here, but I for one would like to see more involvement from people in the business of gardening and supplying plants, as surely they have invaluable experience and insights to share. There are people here who run businesses and do share their knowledge in their postings, and I like that they are able to promote their business as a by-product of their contributions. Daniel Mosquin's distinction is: Sometimes the line gets a little fuzzy for me.
Hello everyone, I am going to make a small contribution for all those people who like to try to germinate almost impossible seeds, as apparently happens with the seeds of Paperbark Maple. Although with this type of seeds I have not checked it, if I have done it with other very old seeds, approximately 10 years old, having a fairly high% germination, so anyone who cheats some Paperbark Maple seeds, should try and then to tell us how the whole process has gone. After this little introduction, I comment on how to do it. First, the seed must be sterilized in a glass of distilled water with about 6 or 7 drops of bleach, immersing them for a few seconds and then drying with a paper. Secondly, the seed is scarified with a small sandpaper or with the sandpaper part of a matchbox, on the opposite side to the wing, another method is to give it a slight bite so that it opens a little and the embryo can catch moisture. After preparing a glass of distilled water with 2 or 3 drops of 1.6% gibberelic acid (GA3), you cannot use the one sold in pills as it is very concentrated. The seeds are then immersed in water with GA3 for 24 hours and passed to stratification, using this water with GA3 to moisten the medium where they will remain for stratification. When the stratification time has passed and they are planted, they should be watered with distilled water and 10 to 12 drops of 1.6% GA3 per liter of water. GA3 is a growth regulator and will make the seed embryo develop much faster, it will also break the dormancy of the seeds, it has given me good results with difficult or very old seeds, it is a matter of testing.
Thanks a lot for the tips, zfrittz. I looked for providers and found that ordering from the US was cheaper than the offers I found from other sites. I'll try and let you know.
Thanks for the information, zfrittz. I still sow griseum seeds in “natural” situations and hope I get a few “volunteers.
Hello everyone, I’ve been thinking about all this and decided i want to make a fresh start if i’m allowed... As a sign of my good intentions and because all of us can use some friendly moves in this horrific year i want to share some of my precious seeds with you. I will ship 10 portions of 5 pretreated, peeled acer griseum seeds which are ready for germination to 10 members of this forum, but i don’t really know how to select the lucky ones who will receive the seeds. I will even pay the shipping costs myself and will not accept anything in return. I think it would be fun to follow the growers and see who is the most successful in growing these beauty’s So the only thing i ask from you is how to decide who will get the seeds. Maybe a lottery? And after that i will off course need the shipping adresses... Hope you like it. Best regards, Tim
Good evening Tim, what a 'wonderful' gesture and offer. I would love to have some seeds, but I just don't have the room anymore. I am sure some members will take you up on this.