These photos are from June. Anybody able to ID the pathogen causing this? The Viburnums are located in parking lot islands in an area that does stay rather wet in the winter. The symptoms appear to be blight and leaf spot. I have removed all the infected tissue and fallen leaves. Any guesses would be helpful as the infection is quite severe. Thanks.
Have you tried checking the roots? Such a state is possible due to some radical rot. To my knowledge, Viburnum davidii is particularly subject to Phyitophthora sp. in that case the roots are blackened as in asphyxiation because the pathogen obstructs the conductive vessels of the elaborate nymph. It is a pathology that manifests itself and causes serious damage in the presence of strong stagnant water. avoid planting in depressions in the ground where water stagnates as it cannot flow easily. Check quickly why, even if it is the last thing I wish you, if this were the case, the plant should be eliminated. Good luck!
Thank you Arlette. I had my suspicions that it could be Phyitophthora sp., as when I dug one up the roots were quite black.