Hi last nigth i go to Villa D 'Este in Tivoli (Tivoli is near Rome 15 Km on Tiburtina road)this villa have a beautiful water garden ,"best garden of Europe 2007"i eat in resturant inside villa very good and suggestive ;i prefere nigth tour because is wonderfull in this season .The tree in villa are:cupressus ,quercus ilex ,pinus,Platanus very big size but water is protagonist ...is avaible one web site :wwwvilladestetivoli.info also avaible in english language; if everyone go to Rome reserve one half day for Tivoli near this villa there is another beautiful villa of Imperator Adriano "villa Adriana"......alex
Neat, Alex. Thank you. I found your link didn't work but I found this with Google: http://www.villadestetivoli.info/storiae.htm Only few pictures there, unfortunately.