I am looking for a watering system that I can water the office plants without having to fill up a can every 10 plants. Something around 20-30 gallon capacity with a water pump that is run by a rechargeable battery system. It would need a six foot hose and a nozzle that could water hanging plants as well as flower beds and indoor trees. Preferrably it would be something I could access in Canada. More specifically if I could buy it in Ontario. I am open for any suggestions. Thanks in advance. Plant Manager
Call Lee Valley Tools (I think they're in Downsview, maybe Finch, Hwy 7 in T.O.) and ask them, because I think they may carry a thin hose with a wand - the hose is permanently coiled into a 3" diam. stretchy 'spring' and attaches to a regular sink spigot. It can stretch to 50' (maybe more) but weighs very little.
10-4 on the hose. I also need a reservoir and electric pump to go with it. The reservoir could be anywhere from 20-50 gallons. I want to mount it on a cart or wagon so I can pull it around with me throughout the office building. Maybe I'll try Lee Valley for that as well. I'm still open for suggestions. Thanks in advance
try calling Rentokil, ask them what they would use to water your office? see if you can glean a brand name or priduct name? try a commercial greenhouse supplier in your area, consider contacting CNLA (and or ONLA) and inquiring with other interior plant maintenance folks