Howdy! I have a very sparse spindly tree that is the shape of a ginko, with 1 very tall centre leader (8ft) and a few perfectly horizontal branches. It looks just like a common hawthorn. I've never seen it bloom or bear fruit. Why is it shaped so oddly? Can I prune it so it's not so spindly? If so, please kindly provide instructions on how to keep that centre leader from getting any taller and spindlier! Thanks so much :)
Crataegus sp..... commonly called hawthorn...leaves and vicious thorns fit. Not an odd shape..perfectly normal. Probably far too young to have flowers in spring 2020. Often used in UK as hedging as it keeps live stock in. You can prune it as much as you want. Not the ideal plant to have in a small maybe need to give keeping it some thought.
@Angelcakes good morning, Yes definatly Hawthorn. Ideal for boundaries to stop unwanted visitors. Those thorns are a great deterrent!!! The berries can make a wonderful vit C juice btw.