Over the past month I've been seeing this weed pop up all over my garden. What is this weed, and how can I prevent it from popping up in my yard. imgur.com
Search the forums for horsetail; there has been a lot of discussion about this difficult-to-eradicate weed.
Difficult is an understatement Opportunistic in disturbed damp soil — and often arrives in truckloads of purchased soil (that has not been heated sufficiently at the processing facility)
Is this a new weed for you in an established garden? Did it arrive relatively recently with a load of topsoil? OR Is this a new garden for you where you were unaware of entrenched weed? It makes a big difference which scenario applies. If horsetail is a new weed brought in (as it sometimes is) with a load of topsoil, you have a fighting chance of eliminating it before it becomes entrenched. Relentless digging mainly will hopefully eliminate all the roots before they become established. Vigilance is key. Don't plant anything else until you are assured that the horsetail is gone. However, if horsetail has been in your garden for a long time, perhaps 1000s of years, your challenge will be to control it. Regardless of what the Borg may say, resistance is not always futile. I dealt with vigorous horsetail for 30 years in a low-lying garden in Burnaby and, over time, it became less of an irritant . . . because that's all it is really, just irritating.