Hi, does anyone know suppliers of good grape vines? Local nurseries (incl. Amsterdam Nurseries) have very small vines, and the variety is very limited. I live in Maple Ridge. Does anyone know about the restrictions if I import from the States? I found a couple of decent internet shops there but can't find anything here in BC. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
My new email address: grapeplants@embarqmail.com Scroll Down to see Current Inventory List: Thank you for your interest in our WA State Certified grape plants. They are grown in our outdoor nursery for one season, dug in November and stored underground during the winter for protection. In March, April and May we ship [small orders] via UPS collect and [large orders] via Freightliner collect. The plants are on their own roots for maximum performance. For further information or to place an order contact me at grapeplants@embarqmail.com The Inventory list will be updated in November, 2007. Our prices are for #1 Certified wine (some exceptions) grape plants more than 50 / variety = $1.50 / plant. Our prices are for #1 Non Certified wine (some exceptions) grape plants more than 50 / variety = $1.25 / plant. #2 wine (some exceptions) grape plants more than 50 / variety = $1.00 / plant. Thank you David R. Nevill - owner To view our Web site under construction click here - > http://www.grapeplants.net Current Inventory List Online: http://www.grapeplants.net/Documents/Inventory_for_Current_Season.html Quality Nursery David R. Nevill owner Quality Nursery WA State Certified Grape Plants 303 Dalton Lane Zillah, WA 98953 grapeplants@embarqmail.com grapeplants@hotmail.com www.grapeplants.net tel: fax: 509 829 3326 509 829 3546