I live in Princeton,B.C. Zone 3. Can you help me choose a vine that grows well in this area and where can I purchase them. I have some vines now but don't know what they are called - I grow them for the local birds, not to eat.
Hi Rosie's Mom While I lived in Invermere BC (Zone 2b-3) I had a Valiant which I was told was a wild variety from Saskatuwan. It was slow to start but after the first two year had a huge crop of grapes that tasted very much like concords except very small. I think I bought them from McFaddens. They made really good jelly and the birds loved them. Barb
Thanks so much - I will call McFadden's and see what they have. I'm sure you will notice on the weather channel that we always seem to have the lowest temperature in the Okanagan but I think if you can grow them in Duncan, I should be able to here. I will keep your e-mail name handy and let you know. Thanks Again. Susan