Hello, Can anyone tell me where the best place to buy garden soil would be? A "master gardener" at Garden Works suggested that I mix 1/3 top soil, 1/3 peat moss/ and 1/3 mushroom manure to create my own soil. I am hesitant because I have read that mushroom manure is often chemically treated. Also, I actually need to buy 6-8 cubic yards of garden soil (i.e. a dump-truck full), and since I'm a newbie, I don't know any reputable places to buy from. Can anyone here provide any suggestions? Thanks in advance. - P
I use a local dump truck driver who has a small truck (10 yard max for soil) and I get him to pick up at the soil supplier that is located at the north van dump. I use the garden compost enriched soil for planting medium mix (not straight though, I usually cut it about 50/50 with the native soil) and I use their compost bark product for a topdress mulch. If you would like the phone number PM me and I will send it to you.
There used to be a similar option at the Burns Bog dumpsite for composted material, also there were several "topsoil" sources in Richmond. Check carefully though; I once got a load (about 12 yards) alleged to be "lake bottom" soil. More like "bottom of the barrel". I believe it had been stripped off a mustard field. Imagine my delight! Ralph
Thanks for the information. Yes, my greatest fear is getting a load of bad soil. (I've heard lots of horror stories.) jimmyq, I'll PM you for the details :0) If anyone else has other suggestions on a reliable source of garden soil and top soil, do please share!
Go to site and examine product before ordering. I've even seen piles being sold with horsetails coming out of the back of them down here.
That freaks me out. I was just thinking too, I used to dump all my weeds and such into the yard waste bin and the city would pick it up for removal. (I'm in Burnaby). Is it possible for weeds to get propagted to the compost at the dump? Am I better off mixing top soil, peat moss, etc. from scratch myself?
City compost is fine. No weed seeds left what so ever. The temperature of the city compost gets so hot that all weeds and disease are killed. No worries there. I'm involved with the Vancouver Green Street Program and all the compost we get is supplied by the city.