Which is which?

Discussion in 'Maples' started by Luke’s Maples, May 2, 2021.

  1. Luke’s Maples

    Luke’s Maples Generous Contributor

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    Oxford UK
    I thought I’d create this thread to see if I can get some clarity on the identity of these 2 cultivars. Both sold to me as Peaches and Cream. One from a random seller on eBay, and another from Guy Maillot.

    To me they are two different to be the same cultivar, no matter what amount of sunlight, soil type, fertiliser, drainage etc etc..

    My instinct is telling me that the small one is the true Peaches and Cream. So what does that leave me with. ‘Como’ perhaps?

    Please do get involved and let me know your thoughts. Turns out I may have a tree I didn’t even know about lol ;-)


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    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    Luke you have fallen into the great "Peaches and cream" versus "White Peaches" debate good luck with this one !!! you need to go into the photo gallery for Peaches and cream cultivars and read all 101# threads over five pages and it will become crystal clear to you what you have ???? Reticulates just a mass variation on themes now. This is why i have sold most of mine and only have ones that come out year after year in the same colours in all the seasons. Have fun working out what you have :) :)
  3. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    I have both and I can tell the difference Luke. White peaches definatly has the paler leaves.
    It is a quandary with a lot of these, hence my other thread. But as it is atm I think they are two different cultivars.

    ROEBUK Generous Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    West Yorkshire, England
    We can all tell the difference but which one is which ??? One half think one variety and the other half think the other , google it and you will see numerous pictures both pertaining to be Peaches and cream !! this as been going on for years , go on to the latest Charlie morgan spring video on you tube, go to 10 minutes and watch for 25 seconds and even he says there are two colours , Why !!
  5. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Understood M. I bought White peaches ( graft) and from the very start I could see the paler ( whiter) leaves. So IMO it's not Emperors new clothes scenario, it is White Peaches.
    But I see your point, with the way things get watered down and especially across continents with a different look due to different environmental conditions, the discussion will go on and on.
  6. AlainK

    AlainK Renowned Contributor Forums Moderator Maple Society 10 Years

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    nr Orléans, France (E.U.)
    I think the same cultivar, esp. at a young age, dcan display some slight differences depending on the soil, the fertilizers used (or not used), etc.

    I have cuttings or air-layers from the same tree that look a bit different, and yet, they are clones. So it may be a bit too early to make a definite opinion...
  7. Lisa Harry

    Lisa Harry Contributor

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    New Westminster, BC, Canada
    @Luke’s Maples I just found this thread.. I have been after a peaches and cream for a while now, they are very hard to find in my area. The Peaches and Cream I am after is the one on the left in your pictures, darker with larger leaves… I finally found one yesterday its quite small I hope it turns out like the one on the left in your picture.. they had a mystery tree that was larger that resembles the one on the right I grabbed that in case it turns into the one on the left :). Anyway I did see a glorious “white peaches there” and they are very similar but I did find it different than the one I grabbed and yours on the right. With our crazy weather nothing is leafing out nicely. Either way I’m sure I got some amazing trees.. but that one on your left is what Ive fallen in love with and am determined to get a hold of.

    Identified as peaches and cream
    . EF5C3E8D-2893-478A-8280-FE3A6DCA3B21.jpeg

    Mystery Tree thought to be a variation of peaches and cream
    LoverOfMaples likes this.

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