White Grape Vine Suggestions

Discussion in 'Grapes and Grape Vines' started by jdelisle, Sep 4, 2009.

  1. jdelisle

    jdelisle Active Member

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    Indiana USA (Zone 5b)
    I'm hoping some of the readers can offer a couple grape vine suggestions. I have two young girls who can't seem to get enough of store bought grapes and I thought it might be fun for them to go in the back yard and pick their own. Here are a couple things I'm looking for in a grape variety. If I need to add anything else, please let me know. As always, I am very grateful for your suggestions.

    • Zone 5B
    • White grape
    • Seedless only
    • Primarily used as table grapes
    • Occasionally used to make raisins

    From my research I'm thinking Thompsons or Perlettes might be good choices. Thoughts?

    Also, if you have any suggestions on where I might be able to purchase a potted vine, let me know.

  2. northerngrapes

    northerngrapes Active Member

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    Hi; Follow the link to Cornell University site. Any of the grapes you see there will work in your area.


    Marquis or Himrod would be a nice choice for your area.

    THis website will help you with your growing requirements


    Thompson and Perlette aren't really hardy enough for your area they are more suited to California. I 've grown Reliance , Einset, Himrod, Interlaken, Vanessa, Canadice
    and many more varieties. Any of them make pretty nice raisin. My favorites were
    Himrod and Canadice. The flavors are really different compared to the store bought raisins. Hope this helps. Good luck

  3. Gardener1

    Gardener1 Active Member

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    surrey, canada
    I have purchased vines from local nurseries and local commercial sources and they have done very very well.

    Here in vancouver bc area, i have had spectacular success with himrod (purchased at art knapps), reliance (purchased at david hunter) and coronation sovereign (purchased at home depot). They all mature in end of august. Soveign coronation matures into very tasty blue grape and himrod is very sweet white grape... Excellent flavour and vigorous

    good luck and enjoy

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