A workshop and Island wines tasting will be held in Courtenay on Saturday Nov. 12 from 1:00 to 5:00 pm at the Native Son's Hall at 360 Cliffe in downtown Courtenay. (use the rear entrance next to the parking lot). While most of the Island's growers and vintners are in the southern Duncan to Victoria region, this event will focus on the significant potential and increasing interest in grape growing the Comox Valley. Tickets are available in advance (recommended) at Beyond the Kitchen Door in Courtenay, Arrowsmith Wine Shop in Qualicum Beach, and Gourmet Essentials in Campbell River. Any tickets remaining will be available at the door at 12:30 on Saturday. Ralph
Ralph, as a forum contributor, you should also be able to post this to the calendar, if you like: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/calendar.php?s=&month=11&year=2005&do=&c=1